What does balance look like for you?
Use the below wheel to map out and get an idea of how much time/energy you place into different areas of your life.
Break it down into 8 specific labels that are important to you or that currently take up your schedule e.g. Work, family, friends, study, socialising, spirituality, hobbies, physical activity, you may choose to do the activity using more broader categories listed below.
Next plot on a scale between 1-10 how much time or energy you currently spend within those categories
Connect the dots and see what it tells you.
8 Categories of life
Physical - The way in which you choose to move your body
Occupational - The way you make money
Emotional - Your ability to process or express your emotions
Spiritual - Connection to a higher being, whether that be faith, belief in the universe, or sense of self in connection to the world around you. A belief in something outside of yourself
Intellectual - The way you use your brain, can be more than studying or university. It’s about the way you engage your brain
Relaxation - The things you do specifically to relax
Recreational - Your hobbies, activities you enjoy
Social - Your connection to others