Coming into the festive season
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, approaching the festive season and end of year can bring about a mix of emotions. There is excitement to spend time with people important to you, but it can also bring about the pressure to have a joyous time or can be extremely lonely for others. Perhaps you love your family but that doesn’t come without its fair share of drama or conflict.
Whatever your situation may be, here are some things you can do to help you this festive season that is within your control.
Set boundaries - You may feel obligated to see certain people or attend family events to keep the peace. However, within that, you can still set boundaries to keep yourself comfortable. Perhaps it’s saying no to that invite you didn’t want to go to nor have the social battery to attend. It could be asking people to not make insensitive comments that impact your well-being i.e comments about your weight, questioning your relationship status, or lifestyle choices.
Take time off - Give yourself some rest and take a break, it may have been a big or busy year so give yourself the space to feel rejuvenated.
Spend time outdoors - Getting some time outside in nature, the beach or in the sun can be healing.
Treat yourself - We talk a lot about giving to others this season, don’t forget to think about yourself. You also deserve nice things.
Practice mindfulness - Take a step back and remember to be present. It’s easy to fall into the trap of dwelling on the past year and thinking about all the things you didn’t achieve.
Social media detox - While it can be nice to see how others can be celebrating, it can also be a space where you end up comparing yourself to others in a negative way. You can end up in a spiral of identifying all the things you wish you had, take a moment away from social media so you can appreciate the things you do have.
Spend time with loved ones or people who bring you joy - Surround yourself with people who care about you or are a good company to have. Go create some new nice memories together.
Do what makes you happy - It can sometimes be easier said than done, but most of all do the things you are happy about, even if it’s only small. We only get one life, make the most of the time you have.
Whichever way you wish to celebrate this festive season, it’s okay to prioritise your well-being and do what you need to feel comfortable.